Monday, February 21, 2005

"yep, he's a low-rent, east-side, bootleg, jobber of a pigeon"

the Classics Club journeyed to Toronto a couple weeks ago. we saw many things: art, architecture, religious zealots, hobos and band patches. none of these can compare to the handicapable pigeon:

this pigeon is hella-creepy. the raised foot is deformed, but like my neighbor's 3-legged dog, this pigeon could BOOK. pigeons scare me enough, but pigeons who have overcome adversity and come out ahead? horrifying. this was like, the jesus of the pigeon world.

i wanted to punt it in front of a bus, but my friends wouldn't let me.


At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAAA!!!HAAA! You make me laugh!!!


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