too much alliteration? i wasn't sure.
okay, so, it was laundry night, and i forced myself about my business as i always, lazily. when i finally hauled all the clothes back upstairs, folded, hung, sorted and stacked, i aberation. see, this never happens - since moving out, i have never lost a sock. i mean, sure, my MOM'S dryer eats socks, but i thought i was finally safe. apartment dryers have finer things to munch - like, lingerie and suspenders, rugs and loofas. really, why would they want MY socks?
anyway, i donned my sleuthing cap. wait, is it 'donned' or 'doffed'? and can you do it to a cap?
*one quick dictionary perusal later*
okay, so i DONNED my cap, and looked for a watson to my holmes.
kai was asleep, so i was accompanied by my trusty
fugly mug. by the way, how come nobody is named sherlock anymore? are parents too overawed by the heritage of the name? too hubristic? well, i guess you don't see too many kids named jesus either, do you?
fugly mug in hand, i decided to retrace my steps. (haha, i retraced my steps looking for a missing footie! that's awesome! okay, fine, don't laugh. i don't even care.) i patted down sleeves, i felt up pantlegs, i rooted through the underwear drawer and shook out the pillow cases. no footie. i checked the elevators. yes, both of them. i finally went back to the laundry room. i checked the washers, i checked the dryer, i searched the floor and scanned the shelves. no footie. all i found were some bodice rippers, with scintillating titles like
'ravished' and
'warprize', and some lint. i pocketed the lint for later and moved on.
i returned to the apartment, did another sweep, but to no avail. then i looked up 'avail'. yes, that is the proper context.
this is not over. not while i still breathe. footie, i WILL find you.
*strains of agonized violins*
FIN...for now!