i found a peanut on the floor while sweeping the bathroom today (i have a peanut fetish, yes, but god knows why there was a peanut in the bathroom...). my thought processes and pathways are pretty random to begin with, so it's no surprise the old song immediately came to mind.
now, most people would have dismissed the inanity from thought and concentrated on the task at hand, say...french studying. me? i spent a good 20 minutes googling, then singing, the peanut song.
*~Found a Peanut~*
Found a peanut, found a peanut,
Found a peanut last night.
Last night, I found a peanut.
Found a peanut last night.
Cracked it open, Cracked it open,
Cracked it open last night.
Last night, I Cracked it open.
Cracked it open last night.
It was rotten, It was rotten,
It was rotten last night.
Last night, It was rotten.
It was rotten last night.
Ate it anyway, ate it anyway,
Ate it anyway last night.
Last night, I ate it anyway.
Ate it anyway last night.
Got sick, got sick,
Got sick last night.
Last night, I got sick
Got sick last night.
Called the doctor, called the doctor,
Called the doctor last night.
Last night, I called the doctor.
Called the doctor last night.
Penicillin, penicillin,
Penicillin last night.
Last night, penicillin.
Penicillin last night.
Wasn't working, wasn't working,
Wasn't working last night.
Last night, it wasn't working.
Wasn't working last night.
Operation, operation,
Operation last night.
Last night, an operation.
Operation last night.
Died anyway, died anyway,
Died anyway last night.
Last night, I died anyway.
Died anyway last night.
Went to heaven, went to heaven,
Went to heaven last night,
Last night I went to heaven,
Went to heaven last night.
Wouldn't take me, wouldn't take me,
Wouldn't take me last night.
Last night, they wouldn't take me.
Wouldn't take me last night.
Went the other way, went the other way,
Went the other way last night.
Last night, I went the other way.
Went the other way last night.
Kissed the Devil, kissed the Devil,
Kissed the Devil just now.
Just now I kissed the Devil,
Kissed the Devil just now.
i was immediately struck by the morbidity of the lyrical content, given the nature of the song. regardless, i'm a fan. i had originally planned suicide by stir stick, old roman style. now i'm subscribing to la mort par l'arachide. my epitaph would go something like this:
Here lies Serena.
Bit of a nutter,
The peanuts did her in.