Monday, March 14, 2005

tempest in a, coffee cup

the battle raged. brother against brother, babies having babies, the world in chaos, etc. it was epic...eschaton-shaped, even.

but we now have an answer. results have poured in from the internet umfrage:

himonline survey

  • grinds: 2
  • grounds: 22
  • abstain: 6

kelly armstrong messageboard (courtesy of stephanie - thanks, doll!)

  • grinds: 4
  • grounds: 19

plus all the legwork i did on campus...okay, that's a lie. i asked people in close proximity to me. i'm too lazy for legwork...or any kind of manual labour like that, really. whatever, anyway: overwhelming response for grounds. so, the winner is:


once again, the power of grammar prevails. we can all sleep at night. well, we could if we were inclined to sleep at night. i'm not. just so you know.

and for all of you who voted grinds: you are disappointments as human beings, proceed to fall upon your stir sticks in shame.


At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...grounds! How do you say"roof" Yo

At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet deal. Lets hear it for the hallowed grounds.

At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that most agreed with "grounds" - I can now sleep at night.
I enjoy the falling upon the stir sticks in shame remark. It's fantastic!


At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all about coffee.... or else you don't have caffine, then you pass out and require a caffine dip... then your life becomes rosey...


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