Saturday, April 30, 2005

the coffee ninja!

a few weeks ago i received an email in my hotmail inbox (yes, the inbox, not the junk mail bastards) from the 'coffee ninja'. the subject line touted a free $250 gift certificate from either dunkin donuts or starbucks. mmm...starbucks.

see, when i think coffee ninjas, i'm picturing something a little bit like this:

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so, on the basis of the intriguing 'coffee ninja' appellation alone, i opened the email and attempted to redeem my 'prize'. no such luck, boys and girls. apparently the offer isn't available in my area, but they can link me up to a site that will explain how i too can create tempting, money-making advertisements. i did get this cool .gif in the email though:

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and really, at the end of the day, who needs the free coffee when you've got a free coffee .gif???

le sigh.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

a spiritual rebate

well...i guess i gave my karma the ol' spit-shine this week, because i got an unexpected surprise. i was cleaning in the kitchen, and i chased a stray peanut under the cupboards. while peering underneath to locate the peanut, i found a bit of dried cat vomit. nothing out of the ordinary there.


gleaming up at me from this sear expectoration was my ingested body jewelry closure ball.

i disinfected it, got it on in one piece this time...i guess my karma is okay.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

body jewelry, bad karma and you

for the first time in 6 years, i attempted to change my body jewelry. no, not the lip ring. the lip just looks more hardcore with a 14 ga. BCR. the geriatric set wouldn't expectorate in my general direction if i were sporting a barbell in my lip. for those of you for whom 'BCR' simply resembles a typo for 'videocasstte recorder', i'll provide visual aid:

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no, i went navel-gazing. i'd picked up a lovely curved barbell (more visual aid:)

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on my excursion to the east (end). things were going well, until i realized i had no pliers with which to remove the BCR. snag #1. when i finally did manage to pop off the little ball, i got kai's attention. snag #2. meet kai:

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not only is he the world's loudest siamese, he's also the most intellectually bereft. he needs a crash helmet. now, when i got his attention with the BCR, my first instinct should have been to lock him away, to prevent inevitable mishaps. but, we're all cognizant of my personal lack of common sense.

anyway, things are going well, i get the BCR out, the curved barbell in, and i'm attempting to screw on the closure ball. this is where things went awry. kai gets impatient, jumps me for the ring. the ball goes flying. kai chases it, for which i was actually grateful, because i could follow him to the ball. unfortunately...

...he ate it.

big @#$%ing snag #3. so, i'm forced to secure the curved barbell with ELMERS BLUE TAC (oh, the humanity) and proceed to the nearest mall to procure another piece of body jewelry. at long last, i return home with a 4-pack of bananabells:

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now this time, i'm not a dumbass, i lock up the cat. success!

and so ends my body jewelry adventure. that's the first (and LAST) time i'll ever attempt to do that again. i think perhaps my karma was not so good today. one ought to have a spiritual evaluation before undertaking something of such paramount importance as altering their body modification. consult your gurus first!

Monday, April 18, 2005

HSR: facilitating sexual harassment since 1873

my important exams are over, and i have 13 more days of free bus pass usage. you know what that means...yes my friends, the season has begun once more for 'random public transit excursions'. the rules are simple: you look at the bus schedule, and you pick a route. you then ride that route to the end (or a convenient transfer point near the end). you can amuse yourself all day if you plan it right. but, the randomness is best experienced if not premeditated.

compulsory equipment

  • bus pass

this is imperative. there's no point riding the bus all day if you have to pay for it. you might as well just get a car.

  • ipod/discman/walkman

second most important prerequisite. freaks will inevitably talk to you when you're not properly ensconced behind a wall of unengagedness, tangibly displayed by visible headphones.

  • spare batteries

because there's little worse than being stuck all the way in the east end with no tunes.

  • keys

in a pinch, they can take out an eye of any passenger who tries to get fresh.

  • beverage

you don't want to have to disembark before reaching your destination just because you have a yen for fresh java.

* optional equipment: bus route map

recommended for HSR newbs. you don't want to be stuck up on rymal road without a vague notion of your location. wolves will eat you.

as an experienced HSR (hamilton street railway) passenger, i was prepared for my excursion today. i went down to gore park, picked a random route, and embarked. it was a toss-up among the 22 upper ottawa, 23 upper gage, and 24 upper sherman. having never taken any of these routes before, i was eager and excited. the 22 arrived first and in so doing, was chosen by default. i avoided the seatmate russian roulette by picking an empty block of seats. unfortunately, that doesn't stop the nutters from choosing to sit beside you. now, i cultivate an aesthetic that isn't necessarily palatable to popular society. i generally look rather bitchy, and occasionally even scary. this dissuades most nutters on busses, as they tend to prey on those from whom they might elicit a more frightened/indignant/irate reaction (i.e. mainstream society). but black lipstick did not save me today.

the one freakshow at the bus stop elected to perch beside moi. he looked reasonably lucid/mentally stable, but i've honed my nutter-sensing abilities over the 5 years i've spent on the HSR. he had the shuffling gate and shifty eyes of a nutter (and yes, nutter is a proper medical term). he managed to behave himself for half of the route. i was just getting to enjoy myself, bobbing my head around at the scenery with exuberant excitement of a puppy on his first road trip, when the man addressed me with the most bizarre proposition i've heard on the HSR:

"i'm psychic, if you let me suck your belly button i'll tell your future."

riiiiiiiiiight. when faced with situations such as these, one has several options, but etiquette does demand some response. in this case, i smiled sweetly and replied,

"no, thank you."

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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

chivalrous white knights come bearing boons

i had the opportunity to try out the 'president's choice great canadian coffee' the other day, and much to my surprise (and slight consternation), it was actually pretty good. kind of...chocolatey? or maybe chicory-ish.

i was out of coffee the other night (quel désastre!), and requested some as a token of affection from my new *temporary* lover - he complied, there was an exchange of goods and services...

the virtuous maiden doth shatter the bonds of chastity for such a boon!

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Saturday, April 02, 2005

a cop-out post

i feel compelled to post something, seeing as it's been quite awhile. i've been very dull lately - totally emo, nothing upbeat or exciting on the coffee/grammar front. then there's the sobriety that, i haven't been in awhile. although, i'm determined not to drink, starting tomorrow...for at least one day. i wouldn't hold my breath though, boys and girls.

but the good news: i have a french exam in 7 days. okay, that's actually terrible news, but the corollary is good. this means i have to do the french cd-rom again. and again. and again. and...well, you get the idea. and since the woman who wrote the damn thing is incapable of stringing together a proper english sentence, i'm sure i'll be inspired to something.

on the coffee front, as some of you know, i tutor. this has nothing to do with coffee, per se, but my tutor-ee gave me the gift of gingerbread coffee the other day. which has ALL to do with coffee. i plan to enjoy the aforementioned flavoured java with the french cd-rom tomorrow. c'est bon café!