Saturday, April 02, 2005

a cop-out post

i feel compelled to post something, seeing as it's been quite awhile. i've been very dull lately - totally emo, nothing upbeat or exciting on the coffee/grammar front. then there's the sobriety that, i haven't been in awhile. although, i'm determined not to drink, starting tomorrow...for at least one day. i wouldn't hold my breath though, boys and girls.

but the good news: i have a french exam in 7 days. okay, that's actually terrible news, but the corollary is good. this means i have to do the french cd-rom again. and again. and again. and...well, you get the idea. and since the woman who wrote the damn thing is incapable of stringing together a proper english sentence, i'm sure i'll be inspired to something.

on the coffee front, as some of you know, i tutor. this has nothing to do with coffee, per se, but my tutor-ee gave me the gift of gingerbread coffee the other day. which has ALL to do with coffee. i plan to enjoy the aforementioned flavoured java with the french cd-rom tomorrow. c'est bon café!


At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gingerbread Coffee, do such things really exist?? Wow, That's pretty cool and from your tutoree, well that's something good that your appreciated!!

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah sobriety... I wish you good luck in your sobriety-related endeavour.

You'll have to let me know how Gingerbread coffee tastes. I'm not sure if I'd like it. But let's face it, if it's coffee, chances are that I would.

As for the French, just think, in 7 days, the torture that is French class will be over!

At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... I enjoy coffee with non-traditional flavours; for example, I tried some very heavenly crème brûlée coffee at Costco once.

At 12:42 AM, Blogger dizzyweasel said...

well, i'll have you all know, the gingerbread coffee was delightful!

and seán, i can't begin to tell you how much i now want some crème brûlée coffee - it haunts my thoughts!

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I must confess: my mum liked it so much that she bought a canister, but has yet to open it. Perhaps I should sneak some and we can have it sometime... and I'll convince her that she opened it! My I am wicked.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger dizzyweasel said...

oh, sweet, darling MUST sneak some of that. i'll make it worth your while!


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