Saturday, April 30, 2005

the coffee ninja!

a few weeks ago i received an email in my hotmail inbox (yes, the inbox, not the junk mail bastards) from the 'coffee ninja'. the subject line touted a free $250 gift certificate from either dunkin donuts or starbucks. mmm...starbucks.

see, when i think coffee ninjas, i'm picturing something a little bit like this:

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so, on the basis of the intriguing 'coffee ninja' appellation alone, i opened the email and attempted to redeem my 'prize'. no such luck, boys and girls. apparently the offer isn't available in my area, but they can link me up to a site that will explain how i too can create tempting, money-making advertisements. i did get this cool .gif in the email though:

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and really, at the end of the day, who needs the free coffee when you've got a free coffee .gif???

le sigh.


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Kate Hand said...

why would you want to drink coffee when you can look at a steaming cup of beans? maybe i should become a coffee drinker solely due to that gif. then again, maybe not..

At 8:20 PM, Blogger dizzyweasel said...

you know, i never even clued into the fact that it was not, in fact, a cup of coffee, but rather just the beans...steaming. that's really weird. then again, cover them in chocolate, and i'm all-up-ons.

At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I close my eyes I can smell the wonderful aroma of coffee coming off the screen..mmmmmmmmm

At 11:28 PM, Blogger Kate Hand said...

umm, do you feel like posting ever again? my life seems cold and empty without new postings to read. oh hang on a minute, my life has always been cold and empty... my bad. but post damnit! and soon!

At 9:29 AM, Blogger dizzyweasel said...

okay dude, i will publish something. in fact, i have just the cautionary tale in mind...


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